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Strawberry Cough weed


Strawberry Cough plant tend to be smaller in size, but pack a lot of potency in each and every hit. They are bright green in hue with really red hairs all over — just what you’d expect from a strain with strawberry in its name. The smell of sweet strawberries can be intoxicating. Take this scent, and multiply it exponentially by putting a fat bud in the grinder and giving it a few turns.

Up to 21-23% THC

Flavours: Strawberry, Sweet, Berry

Effects: Happy, Euphoric, Uplifted, EnergeticRelaxed

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Buy Strawberry Cough weed Uk

Buy Strawberry Cough weed strain is a Sativa for the ages. It’s everything you could want out of a morning smoke, and more. Buy strawberry cough Alabama. This sensational Sativa has a particularly well-documented history. Created by Kyle Kushman from crossing Strawberry Fields and Haze. Buy marijuana Iowa. Once perfected, he drove from New York to L.A., handing out clones whenever he could in hopes of spreading the strain. Once in California, he strived to increase the strain’s popularity. Order weed Alabama

Thanks to his work, Strawberry Cough has been warming the lungs and hearts of countless people across the world.


Aesthetics: Order Weed UK

Strawberry Coughs’ legendary status starts with the aroma. A pleasant bouquet of strawberry excites the nostrils, reminding you why it gets the name. As the strawberry washes over, a hint of herbal pepper fills in the blanks. The flavour is much of the same, with a little bit of pungent and sweetness breaking through. Although you’d expect a bud with this much to offer in terms of flavor and scent to be a smooth smoke, you’re sadly mistaken. The cough portion of the name is as legitimate as the strawberry.

Even experienced marijuana users will cough from the strains smoke.


Strawberry Cough Effects + Benefits: Buy Marijuana Iowa

Any strain with this notable of a flavor profile is going to have it as a talking point. But, even though the taste is right up there with the best of them, its buzz is a better representation of the

strain. As the coughing fit dies down and the high increases, with it, a rush of euphoria breaks through. Many describe the event as insightful or wisdom inducing. Strawberry Cough is a strain which promotes deep and meaningful conversation. If Plato or Socrates were to enjoy smoking cannabis, they’d sure be fond of this strain.

Coupled with the insightful thought process are a focus and energy, unlike anything else. Within moments it puts you in a driven state to pursue goals, finish assignments and conquer the world.

Strawberry Cough is a key to creativity, unlocking a door to a world of imagination. It helps break down barriers that have left you chasing ideas. Instead, the ideas flow through you. The only problem is deciding which ones to partake in and which to discard. It also described as a mild psychedelic experience by some.

Many of the properties that make Strawberry Cough an exceptional strain for recreational purposes are even better for the medicinal crowd. Stress and depression are treatable due to its uplifting properties. Even the worst of downward trends reverse in an instant.

Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD has shown to improve with the use of this flower. Please consult your doctor before discontinuing any medication.

The Strawberry Cough strain is one of a kind. It’s perfect to start the day off and help you excel in where ever life takes you.